Latest Practice Technology

At Parker Optometrists we always like to keep up with modern advances in instrumentation to ensure that our patients receive the best possible eye care.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

Optical Coherence Tomography, OCT, is an advanced eye scan for all people of all ages. Similar to ultrasound, OCT uses light rather than sound waves to image the different layers that make up the structures at the front and the back of your eye. The OCT machine captures both a photograph and a cross-sectional scan of the eye at the same time.

OCT is a new, completely painless and highly advanced imaging system that checks for potentially serious conditions such as Glaucoma, Diabetes, Age-related Macula Degeneration (AMD), vitreous detachments and more. OCT is routinely used by hospital eye departments. It is stored for later reference.

Parker Optometrists strongly recommend the OCT scan as part of your comprehensive eye examination. Unfortunately, this procedure is not funded by the NHS and we therefore have to charge for this supplementary test.

Latest Refraction Equipment

From Dominic Roe, Essilor Business Manager – LinkedIn Post

‘Thank you to Claire Parker from Parker Optometrists in Downham Market.
The first Independent Optician in East Anglia to purchase the revolutionary Vision-R 800 phoropter from Essilor Instruments.
The VR800 offers continuous power changes and reinvents refraction
Patented automated optical module
Simultaneous and instantaneous changes of sphere, cylinder and axis
Wider field of view compared to standard phoropter
A more accurate phoropter for a more precise refraction – refraction to 0.01D
An easier procedure for the practitioner for a fully reliable prescription.
A more comfortable experience for the patient for complete confidence.
Combine this amazing refraction accuracy with Essilor AVA lens technology.’
Join the revolution  #innovation #technology #automation


Visual Field Testing Equipment

Our investment in the latest in accurate visual field testing equipment allows us to check your peripheral vision which can be useful in the early detection of glaucoma and various other ocular conditions. In addition to this it is an integral part of the DVLA driving licence test which enables us to ensure that our patients are safe to take to the road.

Varifocal Technology

Varifocals are now a very popular lens to correct distance and near vision but to perform to their best they need to be very accurately fitted. We have recently installed the latest Nikon & Essilor technology to ensure these measurements are completely accurate.

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